Find your business or property for less than $50,000 today
We are different!!!
Businesses: $79,999 or less - Commercial spaces: $1,999 a month or less - Houses: $49,999 or less - Lands: $19,999 or less - Apartments: $39,999 or less. As a MEMBER, get access to the phone numbers of all owners / brokers and addresses. Go to the MEMBER AREA and get it all for $19.
Do you need paperwork to buy or sell a business? As a member, get the BILL OF SALE, the NDA, the RECEIPT,
the LETTER OF INTENT, the PURCHASE AGREEMENT, and the PERSONAL GUARANTEES, all BLANK for you to fill out and with a Notary Section at the end. Also, you will get information on what to do before and after you buy a business.
Be advised that some businesses, spaces for rent, apartment buildings, lands or other listings might be already in contract or not available at the time you call for information. Your membership is for all the listings and not only one, so feel free to go through all the listings that you are interested in from the MEMBER AREA PAGE. Thank you.